

CYK Studios(サイクスタジオ)では、新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大予防策について正確な情報の収集に努、感染拡大のリスク低減の為下記の措置を講じております。ご利用者様にはご不便ご迷惑をおかけしますが、皆様のご協力をお願い致します。
  • 制作部の方々はコロナウイルス感染防止のため、当日は被写体の方を覗き、6名までとさせていただきます。
  • スタッフの体調管理・衛生管理を強化し、マスク着用・アルコール消毒、ドアノブや手すり、電気スイッチ、トイレなどアルコール消毒の徹底をしております。
  • お越しの際、熱がある方や、新型コロナウイルス等の感染者との濃厚接触等の経験があり、感染の可能性を危惧される方は感染リスク低減のため、ご来店をお断りいたしております。
  • スタジオ利用時は同室内で比較的長時間過ごされますため、ご予約者様は当日も含め、ご参加者様の体調・状況把握等をお願い申し上げます。
  • スタジオ利用では、適切な距離を取れる人数を(ソーシャルディスタンス)上限としてご利用ください。
  • アルコール除菌液を設置しております。頻繁な手指のアルコール消毒をお願い申し上げます。 撮影スタッフの方はマスク着用して頂くようお願いします。また、演者の方も撮影時以外は極力マスクの着用をお願い致します。
  • ご利用時には、同時録音が行われていない限り、換気扇での換気をさせていただいております。
  • 同録が行われる場合、換気スイッチのご案内をいたしますので、当日お問い合わせください。



CYK Studios' Preventitive Measures for COVID-19

CYK Studios is committed to collecting accurate information on measures to prevent the spread of new coronavirus infection, and is taking the following measures to reduce the risk of infection. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask for your cooperation.

  • In order to prevent coronavirus infection, we will limit the number of people in the production department to 6 on the day of the event, excluding the subjects.
  • We have strengthened our staff’s physical condition and hygiene management by wearing masks and disinfecting with alcohol and thoroughly disinfecting door knobs, handrails, electrical switches, toilets, etc. with alcohol.
  • In order to reduce the risk of infection, we do not allow visitors who have a fever or who have been in close contact with a person infected with a new type of coronavirus, etc., and are concerned about the possibility of infection.
  • Since participants spend a relatively long time in the same room when using the studio, we ask that those who have made reservations for the studio be aware of their participants’ physical condition and situation, including on the day of the studio visit.
  • Please limit the number of people in the studio to an appropriate distance (social distance).
  • Alcohol sanitizer is available. Please disinfect your hands frequently with alcohol. We ask that film crew members wear masks. We also ask that performers wear masks as much as possible except when filming.
  • When using the room, ventilation is provided by ventilation fans unless simultaneous recording is taking place.
  • If simultaneous recording is taking place, please inquire on the day of your visit for information on the ventilation switch.

If the government demands that our studio be closed

We will inform the guest(s) and cancel their reservation in the unlikely case that the government demands that our studio be closed. If possible, we will ask the guest(s) to reschedule their reservation. No cancellation fee will be assessed in this scenario.








最終改定日: 2022/11/24

この規約(以下「本規約」といいます。)は、運営会社Ringmasters LLC(以下「当社」といいます。)が提供するすべてのサービス(以下「本サービス」といいます。)の利用に関する条件を、本サービスを利用するお客様(以下「お客様」といいます。)と当社との間で定めるものです。



CYK Studios(以下「当スタジオ」)は、株式会社リクルートが提供する「AirReserve」オンライン予約システムのみにて24時間ご予約を承っております。予約は撮影日の3か月前からご予約が可能です。詳しくはAirReserve利用規約を御覧ください。


i. 確定予約


ii. 仮予約


iii. 深夜/早朝、日曜/祝日料金


c. 入室・退出時間

i. 予約時間 「AirReserve」オンライン予約システムにて最低予約時間である3時間から1時間単位増加する形でご予約を承っております。

ii. 入室時間 ご予約の開始時間が入室時間になります。

iii. 退出時間 撮影・清掃・原状復帰を行い頂いた上で、ご予約頂いた時間内にてご退出ください。

iv. 超過料金 次の予約が入っており、予約時間内に原状復帰が終わっていない場合、30分単位での超過料金をご請求いたします。また撮影当日、実使用時間が予約時間を下回りご退出いただいた場合でも、ご予約時間分の料金をお支払いいただきます。


a. 延長料金

i. 撮影当日、予約開始時間よりも早く入る場合にも30分単位で延長料金が発生いたします。

ii. 撮影当日に予約終了時間を超えた場合、30分単位で発生いたします。

b. ロックダウン料金





d. お支払い


e. 銀行振込でのお支払い




Name of Beneficiary



Name of Bank


Mizuho Bank, Ltd.


Branch Name


Mukougaoka Branch


Account No.




Bank Address


2779-6 Noborito, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa



Routing #



a. ロケハンご予約




c. ロケハン延長


d. ロケハン時の注意事項



4. 予約のキャンセル

a. キャンセル料

i. どのような場合においても、お客様都合によるご予約のキャンセルは、ご予約時間分のキャンセル料金100%をご負担いただきます。事前にご連絡がなくキャンセルをされた場合、損害賠償としてご予約料金の150%をご請求いたします。また、その後のご予約は一切お断りをいたします。

ii. ご予約日の10日前まではキャンセル料はございません。9日前より下記のキャンセル料が発生いたします。9~6日前(30%)、5~2日前(50%)、前日と当日(100%)


c. 予約日の変更


d. 連絡不通時の対応








a. 同時録音当


c. 音楽再生


a. 飲食




c. ゴミ捨て



a. 土足禁止


b. 養生


c. 汚れた場合

上記の規定を守っていただず、床が汚れてしまった場合、塗り直し料金6,000円(税別)を当日ご請求いたし ます。

d. 清掃

i. レンタル備品をご利用の際は、もとの位置にお戻しください。

ii. 自在ほうき、掃除機で白ホリ内の清掃をお願いいたします。

e. 撤収

i. 撤収は予約時間内にお願いいたします。時間が過ぎて撤収された場合、30分単位で追加料金が発生いたします。ご注意ください。

ii. 完全撤収の前に、もう一度忘れ物がないよう隈なくご確認をお願いいたします。(忘れやすいもの:ハンガー、小物、ネジ、飲みかけのペットボトル、ティッシュのごみなど)

iii. 万が一、当スタジオの備品を間違えて持ってい行かれた場合、後日ご返品をお願いいたします。

f. 数日に分けた撮影

i. 片付け


ii. 機会損失


iii. お預かり


iv. 銀行振込


v. 次の日の入室方法



a. 塗り直し









i. 水、液体、その他液体


ii. 火気、煙


iii. 以下は壁の完全な養生をお客様でされる場合であればお受けさせていただきますので、当日ご相談ください。

– 絵の具、ペンキその他塗料・顔料

– 砂、粉

– ガラスや陶器を割る撮影

– シャボン玉

iv. 床が傷つく撮影


v. その他



A. 対象者について


  • 大学、高等専門学校、専門学校の学生
  • 上記の教育機関への入学許可を得て進学が決定した生徒
  • 大学受験予備校に在籍する学生
  • 小・中・高・大学・専門学校の教職員

B. 身分証明について



  • 学生対象教育機関
  • 教職員対象教育機関

    • 学校[小学校、中学校、高等学校、中等教育学校、大学(短期大学、大学院、放送大学を含む)、高等専門学校、盲学校、聾学校、養護学校および幼稚園]
    • 上記教育機関付属の病院
    • 専修学校*1[一般課程(専修学校)、高等課程(高等専修学校)、専門課程(専門学校)]
    • 大学受験予備校
    • 各種学校*2
    • 地方教育行政の組織および運営に関する法律に規定された教育委員会および教育機関*3
    • 職業能力開発促進法に規定された公共職業能力開発施設および職業訓練法人*4
    • 国および地方自治体が設立した大学校*5
    • 大学共同利用機関*6
    • インターナショナルスクール*7
    • その他上記以外で弊社が特別に教育機関として認定した機関

*1 専修学校とは、学校教育法第82条の2に規定された、以下のいずれかの学校を指します。

  • 国または都道府県が設置したもの
  • 都道府県の教育委員会の認可を受けて市町村(東京都の区を含む)が設置したもの
  • 都道府県知事の認可を受けて設置された私立の学校

*2 各種学校とは、学校教育法第83条に規定された、以下のいずれかの学校を指します。

  • 都道府県の教育委員会の認可を受けて市町村(東京都の区を含む)が設置したもの
  • 都道府県知事の認可を受けて設置された私立の学校

*3 地方教育行政の組織および運営に関する法律第2条に規定された教育委員会および同第30条に規定された教育センター、教育研究所などの教育機関を指します。

*4 公共職業能力開発施設とは、職業能力開発促進法第15条の6に規定され、国および地方自治体が設置する以下のいずれかの施設を指します。

  • 職業能力開発校
  • 職業能力開発短期大学校
  • 職業能力開発大学校(職業能力開発総合大学校を含む)
  • 職業能力開発促進センター
  • 障害者職業能力開発校


*5 国および地方自治体が設立した大学校とは、当該設置法等に基づき設置されたもので、自治大学校、防衛大学校、警察大学校、気象大学校、航空大学校、海技大学校、水産大学校、農業大学校などを指します。

*6 大学共同利用機関とは、国立大学法人法第2条の3に規定された大学共同利用機関法人と同第2条の4に規定された大学共同利用機関を指します。

*7 インターナショナルスクールとは文部科学省が大学入試資格を有すると認めている以下のいずれかの国際的な教育認定団体が認める認定校を指します。

  • 国際バカロレア資格参加校
  • その他のバカロレア資格参加校
  • WASC/ECIS/ACSI認定校(米英の民間教育認定機関)



2020年6月1日 制定・施行

2020年11月1日 改定

2021年11月1日 改定

2022年5月1日 改定

2022年11月14日 改定

2022年11月24日 改定


最終改定日: 2022/11/14


企業活動において、情報資産(個人情報、顧客情報および個業秘密情報等)の保護は、企業経営上の重要事項であります。Ringmasters LLCは、「情報保護基本方針書」を策定し、本方針に基づき、故意や偶然の別を問わず、会社の情報資産を改竄、破壊、漏洩から保護・管理する「情報保護管理」を全社をあげて、継続的に実施して行くものとします。



  1. 当社は、個人情報保護法、その他関係法令および関連ガイドラインを遵守します。
  2. 当社は、個人情報を取得、保有、使用、開示する場合その利用目的を明確にし、利用目的の範囲内で利用します。
  3. 当社は、個人情報を厳重に管理し、不正アクセス、紛失、破壊、改竄、漏洩などに対するための情報セキュリティ対策を講じます。
  4. 当社は、正当な理由のある場合を除いて個人情報を第三者に提供いたしません。
  5. 当社は、個人情報の確認、訂正などの申し出があった場合、合理的かつ必要な範囲内で速やかに対応いたします。
  6. 当社は、個人情報の保護に関係する社内規定およびそれを実行する組織、体制について有効かつ適切な運用が出来るよう継続的な見直し、改善を図ってまいります。
  7. 当社は、個人情報保護に関し、関連する全ての部門に対し、周知徹底を図るための教育を継続実施します。


Last Update 11/24/2022

These Terms and Conditions (these “Terms“) set forth the terms and conditions for the use of any and all services (collectively, the “Services”) provided by CYK Studios (the “Studio“) to users of the Services (the “Guest“ or “Guests“, depending upon the context).


a. Booking Method

CYK Studios (“the Studio”) accepts studio guests’(“Guest(s)”) Bookings 24 hours a day exclusively through the AirReserve online booking system provided by Recruit Co. Bookings can be made up to 3 months in advance of the shooting date. For details, please refer to the AirReserve Terms of Use.

b. Booking Categories

i. Confirmed Bookings

A confirmed Booking is a non-cancelable Booking with a fixed time. Once Guests’ Booking is confirmed, changes can only be made if no other Bookings are available. Guest(s) may extend their Booking only if there are no other Bookings. Please check the Booking status the day before and contact our staff on the day of the appointment.

ii. Tentative Bookings

If you wish to cancel at least 9 days in advance, no cancellation fee will be charged for Tentative Bookings. Confirmed Bookings will have priority and Tentative Bookings will become invalid as soon as another Guest’s Booking is confirmed.

iii. Holidays, Sundays, and Late Night/Early Morning Bookings

A 20% increase will be charged when shooting from 9pm-9am and on Sundays or/and Holidays

c. Entry and Exit Times

i. Bookings can be made via the “AirReserve” online booking system in increments of one hour past the minimum Booking time of 3 hours.

ii. The start time of the Booking is from the time the Guest(s) enter the room.

iii. Guest(s) must leave the room within the booked time after the Booking time is concluded. Cleaning and returning the room to its original state is required.

iv. If the room has not been restored to its original condition by the end of the booked time, a penalty fee will be charged in 30-minute increments. Even if Guest(s) leave the premises on the day of the shoot after the booked time has elapsed, Guest(s) will still be charged for the booked time.

Fees and Payment

a. Extension fee

i. An extension fee will be charged in 30-minute increments even if Guest(s) enter earlier than the booked start time on the day of the shoot.

ii. If Guest(s) go over the end time of their Booking on the day of the shoot, Guest(s) will be charged in 30-minute increments.

b. Lockdown fee

i. If Guest(s) wish to shoot with a lockdown, excluding the studio manager, a fee of ¥10,000 per hour will be added to the regular fee.

ii. Studio lockdowns can be booked through the contact form.

c. Other fees

Fees will be added at the time of payment for purchased items, rental items, and paid services such as repainting, lighting installation, trash disposal, etc.

d. Payment
The studio is completely cashless, and cash payment is not accepted under any circumstances, regardless of whether Guest(s) are an individual or a corporation. Please pay with a credit card after the shoot is over and the room has been completely cleared out. We do not issue paper receipts. Please check emails from the studio since a digital receipt will be provided to the Guest(s) via “AirRegi” or “Square” at the time of payment.

e. Payment by bank transfer

If the amount billed exceeds ¥50,000 (excluding tax) for a production in the Studio, we will send a PDF invoice via email from our studio management company “Ringmasters LLC” and payment will be made via bank transfer. Please be sure to make payment at least two days (48 hours) prior to the booked date. If we cannot confirm payment by the day before the booked date, we will cancel the shoot.

Bank Information


Name of Beneficiary



Name of Bank


Mizuho Bank, Ltd.


Branch Name


Mukougaoka Branch


Account No.




Bank Address


2779-6 Noborito, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa



Routing #


Location Scouting Bookings

a. Location Scouting Bookings
Bookings can be made 24 hours a day via the “AirReserve” online Booking system provided by Recruit Co. Please make a Booking for Location Scouting on cyk.jp

b. Scouting Time
Location scouting is available for a maximum of 30 minutes. We may terminate the Scouting Time early due to other Bookings.

c. Extension of Location Scouting
Location scouting can be extended only if there are no Bookings before or after the location, by paying for the 30 minutes normally booked. Please pay by credit card on the same day.

d. Notes for Location Scouting

Guest(s) without a Confirmed Booking will only be permitted to view the studio on the day of Scouting. Please refrain from testing equipment brought by the Guest(s), testing Studio’s rental equipment, or inspecting the contents of the equipment.

Cancellation of Bookings

a. Cancellation charges

i. If a Booking is canceled for any reason, 100% of the booked time will be charged. If a Booking is canceled without prior notice, 150% of the Booking fee will be charged as compensation. Any subsequent Bookings will not be accepted.

ii. No cancellation fee will be charged up to 10 days prior to the booked date. 9 days prior to the booked date, the following cancellation fees will be charged: 9 days prior (30%), 2 days prior (50%), the day before and the day of the Booking (100%).

b. Payment of cancellation fees
After Guest(s) cancel their Booking, we will send Guest(s) online payment instructions by e-mail.

c. Change of Booking date
To change the date and time of their Booking, please make a new Booking online again after we inform Guest(s) by e-mail. In the event that the above-mentioned cancellation fee is incurred, we will inform Guest(s) of the payment by e-mail.

d. In case of no contact
If we are unable to contact the Guest(s) two days before the Booking date, we reserve the right to cancel the Booking. We will not be able to accept their next Booking.

Force Majeure

If the Studio is unable to perform its contractual obligations or meet performance deadlines due to natural disasters, war, terrorism, civil strife, riots; government regulations, orders, or instructions; strikes, blocked traffic, or other force majeure, the Studio is released from liability and the booking is automatically cancelled.

The studio will not be held liable for any damages or monetary compensation if it is unable to fulfill its contractual obligations or fails to meet any deadlines.


Please use coin-operated parking lots in the neighborhood.


Recording and Music Playback

a. Simultaneous recording

The studio is located on the basement floor and the ceiling is not completely soundproofed. Please avoid recording noise by using a pin microphone. If Guest(s) wish to record at the Studio, we recommend that Guest(s) visit the studio in advance. The Studio will not be held liable for any issues that arise on the day of the shoot.

b. Use of musical instruments

Musical instruments are permitted in the studio as long as they do not exceed 55 decibels. Please use a mute or similar device to reduce the volume of loud percussion and other instruments to at least 10 decibels.

c. Music playback

Music can be played through the Studio’s speakers by connecting them via 1/4 mini-jack cable or Bluetooth.

Eating, Drinking, Smoking, and Garbage

a. Eating and drinking

Eating and drinking are not allowed in the white cyc studio, but are allowed in other areas. If the studio or equipment is soiled by eating or drinking, a cleaning fee will be charged. If equipment is damaged as a result of eating or drinking, a replacement fee will be charged.

b. Smoking

Smoking is not permitted in the studio, but electronic cigarettes are permitted if a consensus can be reached among those who have booked the space. If Guest(s) use paper cigarettes, please smoke outside.

c. Garbage

All trash generated during the shoot must be taken back to the studio. After separating “burnable trash,” “PET bottles,” “cans,” and “bottles,” we will dispose of them with a 500 yen (tax not included) disposal fee per 45L trash bag. We will dispose of them for a fee of 500 yen (tax not included) per 45L garbage bag after separating them. We will provide a separate estimate for cardboard, background paper, large props, and other oversized trash, depending on the amount and size. Please pay the disposal fee by credit card along with the studio fee after the shoot.

Precautions for shooting

a. No street shoes allowed

No street shoes are permitted in the white cyc studio. Production employees must place their shoes in the specified shoe boxes and wear slippers from the shoe boxes. Please do not walk on the studio floor, especially if you are wearing socks or are barefoot.

Please wear brand-new shoes if the shooting subject is wearing any shoes. If the shoes aren’t brand-new, please make sure you wrap them with masking tape.

b. Floor Protection

Please use tennis balls or protective quilt mats on the floor while using lighting equipment, camera peripherals, or any stands.

C. Floor damage/discoloration

A repainting cost of 6,000 yen (tax not included) will be imposed on the day of the booking if the floor gets discolored as a result of failure to abide by the terms and conditions.

d. Cleaning

i. Please return rental equipment to its original position after use.

ii. Please clean up the white cyc with a broom or vacuum cleaner.

e. Clean-up

i. Please depart the Studio within the booked time allotted. If the Guest(s) leave after the booked time allotted, the Studio will charge an extra fee in 30 minute increments.

ii. Before the Guest(s) completely leave, please double-check everything to ensure the Guest(s) have not forgotten anything (Commonly forgotten items: hangers, small belongings, screws, plastic bottles, trash, tissues, etc.).

iii. If the Guest(s) took the incorrect equipment from our studio, please return it at a later time.

f. Filming over several days

i. Cleanup

We ask that Guest(s) tidy up their equipment each day after the shoot.

ii. Loss of opportunity

Only if a Guest(s) has no Bookings after the shoot and wishes to leave their equipment as is, 10,000 yen per night will be charged (with insurance). (Insurance provided.)

iii. Bank Transfer

In the case of a multi-day Booking with payment exceeding 100,000 yen, bank transfer will be required in advance. If there are any changes to the fee due to rental items after the bank transfer has been made, the payment will be made by credit card after the shoot. Other conditions are subject to the Terms of Use “2. Payment for Bookings”.

iv. Entering the Studio on the next day

From the next day, Guest(s) will use the smart lock (Sesame Mini) at the entrance to enter the room with an electronic key using a smartphone. The Studio will notify the person in charge after the first day of shooting. For more information, please visit https://ameblo. jp/candyhouse-inc/entry-12343121199. html

Repainting the Studio floor

a. Repainting

The cost of repainting the white cyc studio floor is ¥6,000 (tax not included). If Guest(s) wish to have the Studio repainted, please notify the Studio at least 2 days in advance.

b. If Guest(s) do not wish to have the studio repainted

Please note that we cannot accept any claims even if the floor is stained or discolored due to prior Guest(s) use. Please understand that the Studio cannot repaint on the day of the event.

Lost and Found

When the Studio finds any lost items, the Studio will contact Guest(s) using the information given at the time of the Booking. We will hold any unclaimed items for 1 month from the date of the Booking. If the Studio does not hear from Guest(s), we will dispose of unclaimed items.

Prohibited Items For Shooting

a. Prohibited items

The following items that may pollute the studio are prohibited. If any of the following items are used in a photo shoot, the shoot will be canceled or terminated no matter the circumstances. In addition, no refunds will be made on the day of the event. In addition, if any of the following acts cause damage to or stain the equipment or facilities in the studio, the actual cost of repairing, fixing, or replacing the equipment will be billed on the day of the event.

i. Water, liquids, or other liquids

We will accept it if Guest(s) completely protect the floor and walls theirself, so please contact us before the shoot.

ii. Fire, smoke

Smoke machines cannot be used as they will set off the fire alarm. Lighters, candles, alcohol lamps, and cassette stoves may be used.

iii. The following may be accepted if the Guest(s) provides complete wall protection, so please consult us on the day of the event:

-Paints and pigments

-Sand and powder

-Breaking glass and/or pottery shoot

-Soap bubbles

iv. Damaging the floor

When shooting with shoes with spiked soles, skates, crampons or other shoes that may scratch the floor, please bring in an acrylic board or similar item to prevent scratches on the floor. For props and other items that may harm the floor, please use floor protection mats, acrylic boards, etc.

v. Other

Any shooting that may contaminate or damage the studio, including but not limited to those listed above, is not permitted. If Guest(s) are not sure whether the studio can be used or not, please be sure to consult with us in advance.

Student Discount

A. Eligibility

Our studio offers discounted rates to the following eligible students and faculty members in Japan

  • Students of universities, technical colleges, and vocational schools
  • Students who have been admitted to one of the above educational institutions and have been accepted to continue their studies
  • Students enrolled in preparatory schools for university entrance examinations
  • Faculty and staff of elementary, junior high, high school, university, and vocational schools

B. Identity Verification

The studio may request identification verification from the client even after the reservation has been made. The studio reserves the right to unconditionally cancel your reservation or terminate the relationship, whether or not a contract has been signed, if it is determined that you are not an eligible person.

C. Student Discount Eligible Institutions

Student Discount Eligible Educational Institutions are as follows.

  • Universities (including junior colleges, graduate schools, Open University of Japan, international schools), colleges of technology, professional training colleges (special training college courses), preparatory schools for university entrance examinations
  • Educational Institutions for Teachers and Staff
  • Educational institutions stipulated in the School Education Law
  • Schools [elementary schools, junior high schools, high schools, secondary schools, universities (including junior colleges, graduate schools, and Open University of Japan), technical colleges, schools for the blind, schools for the deaf, schools for the disabled, and kindergartens]
  • Hospitals attached to the above educational institutions
  • Special training schools*1 [general courses (special training schools), advanced courses (kotosenshu gakko), specialized courses (senmon gakko)
  • Preparatory schools for university entrance examinations
  • Miscellaneous schools*2
  • Boards of education and educational institutions as stipulated in the Law on Organization and Operation of Local Educational Administration*3
  • Public human resources development facilities and vocational training corporations as stipulated in the Human Resources Development Promotion Law*4
  • University schools established by the national and local governments*5
  • Inter-University Research Institutes*6
  • International schools*7
  • Other institutions other than those listed above that we have specially approved as educational institutions.

*1 Special training school is one of the following schools as defined in Article 82-2 of the School Education Law.

Established by the national or prefectural government

Those established by a municipality (including wards in Tokyo) with the approval of the prefectural board of education
Private schools established with the approval of the prefectural governor

*2 Miscellaneous schools are any of the following schools as defined in Article 83 of the School Education Law.

Those established by a municipality (including wards in Tokyo) with the approval of the prefectural board of education
Private schools established with the approval of the prefectural governor

*3 Refers to educational institutions such as boards of education as stipulated in Article 2 of the Law Concerning Organization and Operation of Local Educational Administration, as well as educational centers and educational research institutes as stipulated in Article 30 of the same law.

*4 Public human resources development facilities refer to any of the following facilities established by the national and local governments, as stipulated in Article 15-6 of the Human Resources Development Promotion Act.

  • Polytechnic Schools
  • Polytechnic College
  • Polytechnic University (including Polytechnic University)
  • Polytechnic Center
  • Polytechnic Schools for the Disabled

*4 Vocational training corporations refer to corporations approved by prefectural governors as stipulated in Article 31 of the Human Resources Development Promotion Act.

*5 Universities established by the national and local governments are those established in accordance with the relevant establishment laws, etc., and include the National University of Home Affairs, National Defense Academy, National Police Academy, Meteorological University, Civil Aviation College, Maritime Academy, Fisheries College, and Agricultural College.

*6 Inter-University Research Institutes refers to Inter-University Research Institutes Corporation as stipulated in Article 2-3 of the National University Corporation Law and Inter-University Research Institutes as stipulated in Article 2-4 of the same law.

*7 International schools refer to accredited schools recognized by one of the following international educational accreditation organizations that are recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology as having university entrance examination qualifications.

  • Schools participating in the International Baccalaureate
  • Other baccalaureate schools
  • WASC/ECIS/ACSI accredited schools (private educational accreditation organizations in the U.S. and U.K.)

Establishment and Revision History

The following is the history of enactment and revision of the Terms and Conditions:

June 1, 2020 Enacted and enforced

Revised November 1, 2020

Revised November 1, 2021

Revised May 1, 2022

Revised Nov 14, 2022

Revised Nov 24, 2022


Last Update 11/14/2022

Basic Policy on Information Security

For business enterprises, the protection of information assets (personal information, customer information, confidential business information, etc.) is an important aspect of corporate management. Ringmasters LLC has formulated a Basic Policy on Information Security, and will implement company-wide information security management on an ongoing basis in accordance with this policy to protect and manage the company’s information assets in order to avoid alteration, destruction, and leakage regardless of whether the cause is accidental or intentional.

Privacy Policy

Ringmasters LLC (hereafter referred to as “the Company”) recognizes the importance of personal information and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to personal information. Furthermore, the Company believes it is our social responsibility to implement the necessary and appropriate level of management and protection of personal information. Accordingly, the Company has established and will adhere to a Personal Information Protection Policy that applies to all of our executives and employees.

  1. The Company will comply with all laws, ordinances, and guidelines related to the protection of personal information.
  2. Upon acquiring, retaining, using, or disclosing personal information, the Company will specify the purpose for which that information will be used, and only deal with that information within the scope of that specified purpose.
  3. The Company will place strict controls on personal information and establish the necessary information security measures against unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage.
  4. The Company will not provide personal information to any third party without a legitimate reason.
  5. If the Company receives a request for confirmation, amendment, or other action related to personal information, the Company will respond promptly, appropriately, and in good faith.
  6. The Company will carry out reviews and reforms of our internal regulations regarding personal information on an ongoing basis as well as the organizations and systems involved in implementing them to ensure that they are being operated effectively and appropriately.
  7. The Company will implement training programs regularly for personnel in all areas involved with personal information to thoroughly familiarize them with the protection of personal information.


最后修订日期:2022 年 11 月 24 日

本协议(以下简称“本协议”)是使用运营公司Ringmasters LLC(以下简称“我们公司”)提供的所有服务(以下简称“本服务”)的条件,双方之间订立使用本服务的顾客(以下简称“顾客”)和本公司。




CYK工作室(“工作室”)接受工作室客人(“客人”)全天24小时通过Recruit Co.提供的AirReserve在线预订系统预订。预订可在拍摄日期前3个月进行。详情请参阅AirReserve使用条款。








  1. 初步预订




iii. 节假日,周日,深夜/清晨预订








  1. 预订的开始时间是从客人进入房间的时间开始。


iii. 客人必须在预订时间结束后的预定时间内离开房间。需要打扫房间并使其恢复原状。


  1. 如果在预定时间结束前房间未恢复原状,将按30分钟的时间加收违约金。即使客人在预定时间过后离开拍摄场地,客人仍需支付预定时间的费用。




  1. 即使客人在拍摄当天的预定开始时间之前进入,也将按30分钟的增量收取延期费。


  1. 如果客人超过了拍摄当天的预订结束时间,客人将按30分钟的增量收费。




  1. 如果客人(不包括工作室经理)希望在封闭状态下拍摄,将在常规费用的基础上增加每小时10,000日元的费用。


  1. 工作室封锁可以通过联系表预订。











如果在工作室制作的账单金额超过¥50,000(不含税),我们将通过我们的工作室管理公司“Ringmasters LLC”通过电子邮件发送PDF发票,并通过银行转账付款。请务必在预定日期前至少两天(48小时)付款。如果我们不能在预定日期的前一天确认付款,我们将取消拍摄。





















  1. 如果因任何原因取消预订,将收取预订时间的100%。如果预订在没有事先通知的情况下被取消,预订费用的150%将被收取作为补偿。任何后续的预订将不被接受。


  1. 在预订日期前10天内,将不收取任何取消费用。预订日期前9天,将收取以下取消费用:预订前9天(30%),预订前3天(50%),预订前一天和预订当天(100%)。



















  1. 同步录音


工作室位于地下室,天花板并不完全隔音。 请避免使用针式麦克风录制噪音。 如果客人希望在录音室录音,我们建议客人提前前往录音室。 对于拍摄当天出现的任何问题,工作室不承担任何责任。


  1. 乐器的使用


录音室允许使用乐器,但音量不得超过 55 分贝。 请使用静音器或类似设备将敲击乐器和其他乐器的大声音量降低至至少 10 分贝。


C。 音乐播放


通过 1/4 迷你插孔电缆或蓝牙连接 Studio 扬声器即可播放音乐。


  1. 饮食




  1. 吸烟




  1. 垃圾




  1. 不允许穿街头鞋






  1. 地板保护



  1. 地板损坏/变色




  1. 清洁


  1. 租赁设备使用完毕后,请将设备放回原处。


  1. 请用扫帚或吸尘器打扫白色自行车。


  1. 清理


  1. 请在预定时间内离开工作室。如果客人在预定时间后离开,工作室将按30分钟的增量收取额外费用。


  1. 在客人完全离开之前,请仔细检查所有的东西,以确保客人没有忘记任何东西(常见的遗忘物品:衣架、小物品、螺丝、塑料瓶、垃圾、纸巾等)。工作室最后的


iii. 如果客人从我们的工作室拿走了不正确的设备,请稍后归还。




  1. 清理




  1. 失去机会




iii. 银行转账






从第二天开始,客人将使用入口处的智能锁(Sesame Mini),使用智能手机使用电子钥匙进入房间。拍摄第一天结束后,工作室会通知负责人。欲了解更多信息,请访问https://ameblo。jp – 12343121199 / candyhouse-inc /entry-12343121199. html


  1. 重新喷漆


白色CYC工作室重新粉刷的费用为6,000日元(不含税)。 如果房客希望重新粉刷单间公寓,请至少提前 2 天通知单间公寓。


  1. 如果房客不希望重新粉刷工作室


请注意,即使地板因客户之前使用而被弄脏或变色,我们也不能接受任何索赔。 活动当天工作室无法重新粉刷,敬请谅解。


当工作室发现任何丢失物品时,工作室将使用预订时提供的信息联系客人。 自预订之日起,我们将保留任何无人认领的物品 1 个月。 如果工作室没有收到客人的回复,我们将处理无人认领的物品。


  1. 违禁物品


禁止携带下列可能污染工作室的物品。 如果在拍摄过程中使用下列任何一种物品,无论何种情况,拍摄都将被取消或终止。 此外,活动当天恕不退款。 另外,若有下列行为造成演播室设备或设施损坏或污损的,将在活动当天收取实际修理、修理或更换设备的费用。


  1. 水、液体或其他液体




  1. 火灾、烟雾


不能使用烟雾机,因为它们会引发火警。 可以使用打火机、蜡烛、酒精灯和卡式炉。


iii. 如果客人提供完整的墙壁保护,以下内容可能会被接受,因此请在活动当天咨询我们:






– 打破玻璃和/或陶器射击




  1. 损坏地板


使用尖头鞋、溜冰鞋、冰爪或其他可能刮伤地板的鞋子拍摄时,请带上亚克力板或类似物品,以防止刮伤地板。 对于可能伤害地板的道具等物品,请使用地板保护垫、亚克力板等。


  1. 其他


禁止任何可能污染或损坏摄影棚的拍摄,包括但不限于上述情况。 如果客人不确定是否可以使用工作室,请务必提前咨询我们。


*6 大学间研究所是指国立大学法人法第2条至第3条规定的大学间研究所法人及该法第2条至第4条规定的大学间研究所。






2020 年 11 月 1 日修订


2021 年 11 月 1 日修订


2022 年 5 月 1 日修订


2022 年 11 月 14 日修订






  1. Ringmasters LLC(以下简称“本公司”)认识到个人信息的重要性,并将遵守与个人信息相关的所有适用法律和法规。 此外,公司认为对个人信息实施必要且适当的管理和保护是我们的社会责任。 因此,公司已制定并将遵守适用于我们所有高管和员工的个人信息保护政策。
  2. 本公司将遵守与个人信息保护相关的所有法律、条例和准则。在获取、保留、使用或披露个人信息时,公司将指定该信息的使用目的,并仅在该指定目的的范围内处理该信息。
  3. 本公司将严格控制个人信息,并建立必要的信息安全措施,防止未经授权的访问、丢失、破坏、篡改和泄露。
  4. 无正当理由,本公司不会向任何第三方提供个人信息。
  5. 如果本公司收到有关个人信息的确认、修改或其他行动的请求,公司将迅速、适当、真诚地做出回应。
  6. 本公司将持续对有关个人信息的内部规定以及实施这些规定所涉及的组织和系统进行审查和改革,以确保其有效且适当地运作。
  7. 本公司将定期对涉及个人信息的各领域人员实施培训,使其充分熟悉个人信息的保护。


对于商业企业来说,保护信息资产(个人信息、客户信息、商业机密信息等)是企业管理的重要方面。 Ringmasters LLC制定了《信息安全基本政策》,并将根据该政策持续实施全公司范围内的信息安全管理,以保护和管理公司的信息资产,以避免篡改、破坏和泄露,无论是否发生。 原因是偶然的或故意的。


© 2020 Ringmasters LLC

シャトレ中野新橋 B1


+81 (0)3 6877 2782
